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WWII Luftwaffe - Drone Bomber "What-if" Project Aircraft

Mistel - Dornier Do217E / Me328

About Aircraft

Mistel was drone airplane project of Germany during the later stages of World War II. The composite comprised a small piloted control aircraft mounted above a large explosives-carrying drone. The Mistel and as a whole was referred to as the Huckepack "piggyback".
Dornier Do-217E was the twin-engine medium bomber of German Luftwaffe during World War 2. Messerschmitt designed Me-328 parasite fighter airplane by using V1 engines.  A and V variants of this airplane flew in tests.

Pilot & Markings

NJG-3, Defence of Reich, 1944

Kit & Construction

Do-217E is an old Airfix reboxed airplane model kit. Also they include old PM Model Me328 kit in the box for constructing Mistel.
Me-328 painted factory finishing, wooden and naked aluminum colors. In box instructions, Airfix presented standart splinter camo RLM 70, RLM 71 for Dornier Do-217E but I've choose squigle camo of Luftwaffe Night Fighters, RLM 74 squigle on RLM 76 base color.
What if markings and paints :
Night Fighter Dornier Do217E with Messerschmitt Me328V-1, Germany, Spring 1945
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